{expertsurv} package examples


{expertsurv} background fit

The next example is using the {expertsurv} package to fit the external model.

We can create the external survival curve using the penalised regression model.

# if (!requireNamespace("expertsurv", quietly = TRUE)) 
#   remotes::install_github("Philip-Cooney/expertsurv")


param_expert <- list()

# S = 0.05
param_expert[[1]] <- data.frame(dist = "norm",
                                wi = 1,
                                param1 = 0.2,
                                param2 = 0.05,
                                param3 = NA)

# S = 0
param_expert[[2]] <- data.frame(dist = "norm",
                                wi = 1,
                                param1 = 0.05,
                                param2 = 0.005,
                                param3 = NA)

timepoint_expert <- c(100, 180)

# dummy data
data <- data.frame(time = 50, event = 0)

# don't provide any data so its all based on the prior
ext_Surv <- fit.models.expert(formula = Surv(time,event) ~ 1,
                              data = data,
                              distr = "gomp",
                              method = "hmc",
                              iter = 1000,
                              opinion_type = "survival",
                              times_expert = timepoint_expert, 
                              param_expert = param_expert)

plot(ext_Surv, add.km = TRUE, t = seq(0:180), ci = TRUE)

##TODO: how to get confidence intervals? make.surv()?

# obs_Surv <- survHE::fit.models(formula = Surv(death_t, death) ~ 1,
#                        data = dat_FCR,
#                        distr = "exponential",
#                        method = "hmc")

obs_Surv <- flexsurv::flexsurvreg(formula = Surv(time, event) ~ 1,
                                  data = data_sim,
                                  dist = "exp")

ble_Surv <- blendsurv(obs_Surv, ext_Surv, blend_interv, beta_params)


Alternatively, we could use the {expertsurv} functions to fit both the data and the external information together as intended in the {expertsurv} package. However, to modify this so that it is similar to {blendr} we can choose variance of constraint as functions of the blending interval.

TODO… ## Using sample size formula

# external estimate
data_sim <- ext_surv_sim(t_info = 100,
                         S_info = 0.05,
                         T_max = 180,
                         n = 100)
                         # n = 40)
ext_Surv3 <- flexsurv::flexsurvreg(
  formula = Surv(time, event) ~ 1,
  data = data_sim,
  dist = "exp")
summary(ext_Surv3)[[1]] |> head()

median time of mean 46 median time of upper limit 60 0.5 = exp(-lambda t) so lambda = log(2)/t which gives log(2)/46 = 0.015 and log(2)/60 = 0.012 a hazard ratio of 46/60 = 0.77

# log-mean method
# https://shariq-mohammed.github.io/files/cbsa2019/2-power-and-sample-size.html
expLogMeanDeaths <- function(Delta, alpha, pwr) {
  z.alpha <- qnorm(alpha, lower.tail=FALSE)
  z.beta <- qnorm(1-pwr, lower.tail=FALSE)
  num <- (z.alpha + z.beta)^2
  denom <- (log(Delta))^2

# one-sided test
expLogMeanDeaths(Delta = 0.77, alpha = 0.025, pwr = 0.8)